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During The Week @ Bethel

We do not belong to a Sunday Morning faith. We believe that the best way to grow in spiritual maturity is in community with one another. That is why, what is going on during the week is just as important as a Sunday morning! Check out below how you can get involved in a discipleship community at Bethel.

Sunday Opportunities

Sunday School Classes

Throughout the whole year, we have an adult Sunday School class, a Men’s Sunday School class, and a Senior Sunday School class.

Meeting Times:
Adult - 9:15AM in Masters Hall (Main Building)
Men’s - 9:15AM in Room 103 (Gym/MACE Building)
Seniors - 10:30AM in Heritage Hall (Main Building)

Youth Group

On Sunday Nights, our youth group, Elevate meets in Room 209, for service. During this service for grades 7-12, our teenagers can expect an exciting icebreaker or game, a time of worship, a message geared towards helping them live out their faith, and a time to hang out and meet other teenagers who love Jesus! This is such an important time for teenagers to be able to hear the Truth in their own context. 


Meeting Time:

6:30PM in Room 209 (Gym/MACE Building)

Learn More Here

Wednesday Opportunities

Midweek Prayer

Praying together makes or breaks the life of a church. We are dedicated to praying together every Wednesday night. Drop off your kids to a discipleship class and join us for weekly prayer.

Meeting Times:

7-8:15PM - Main Sanctuary

Boys & Girls Discipleship

From 7-8:15PM, our Wednesday nights are all about discipleship. We are re-vamping all of our boys and girls discipleship programs and we are so excited about being about to reach the young minds in our church and help them learn about their faith in practical ways.

Meeting Times:

7-8:15PM - Top Floor of Gym/MACE Building

High School Girls, Young Adults, Adult Prayer

There are several other discipleship groups that meet on Wednesday night. Both for our High School Girls and our Young Adults. This is a great time to connect with someone your age and in your life stage and walk out your faith together in community. 

Meeting Times:


High School Girls - Room 201 Gym/MACE Building

Bethel Young Adults - Life on Life Center in Main Building

Adult Prayer - Main Sanctuary

First Wednesday

At 7PM on the First Wednesday of each month, our body will gather for a time of worship and message from one of our pastoral staff. These services are a great time to refresh your spirit in the Word and spend some time at the altar seeking out the presence of the Lord together.

During these services, there will still be boys and girls discipleship classes but all other groups will join in for our First Wednesday service.

Other Opportunities


On a semester-basis, we offer Circles. Circles are our small group format at Bethel. Each semester, we will offer our church the chance to connect with others in a Circle. During these Circles, members will often share a meal, fellowship, and talk about the past week's sermon. We believe that Circles are the heartbeat of our church and one of the most important things that we do! Our next semester of Circles will launch October 6th! 


We offer many different ways that you can help serve our greater community, Martinsburg. Here are just a few:


Love Week - the last week of October is Love Week (where we spread the love of Jesus all over Martinsburg through service projects).
Downtown Outreach - quarterly we offer a meal in downtown Martinsburg to the homeless and needy population. We also collect donations for care bags to hand out.
Bread of Life Meal - On the Third Tuesday of the month, we offer a meal for any one who would like to join in our gym.
Clothing Cottage - our clothing ministry where anyone can come and shop for clothes that are in need. 

If you would like to serve in any of these outreach, please reach out to our church office at

Serve A Ministry

All of our ministries are always looking for exciting new volunteers to pick up their towel and basin and wash the feet of their local church by volunteering in a ministry. Reach out to our ministry leaders or our church office to find out how you can get involved during the week!

You can also fill out this form to get more information!

Other Ministries

There are many ministries at our church for all walks of life. From our Transformation Women's Ministry to our Inspire Seniors Ministry, find out more about where you can get involved here! 

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